What is Case Id in Pega:
- Case ID is the permanent, unique identifier of a case.
- Use case IDs to find cases that are relevant to our application or organization.
- Application generates case IDs in the format [prefix]-[integer]-[suffix].
- By default, the prefix is a single character that your application derives from the name of the case type that you provide when you create or import a case type.
- Prefixes are required but do not need to be unique.
- The integer in a case ID increases by one each time that you create a case.
- Because case IDs are reserved before a case is successfully created, and more than one case type can share a prefix, you cannot use the integer part of a case ID to count the number of cases in your application.
- The suffix in a case ID is blank by default because it is optional.
- We can customize the default format of case IDs in the application.
- Providing a meaningful prefix and suffix, help users quickly distinguish instances of one case type from instances of another case type.
Approach 1:
- Casetype–>settings tab–>General
- Case Id prefix field enter the Case Id you want
Approach 2:
- Application Definition–>Cass & data tab
- Work ID prefix field enter the case Id you want
Appproach 3:
- Open “GenerateID” Activity
- “Work-Cover-” class–>Technical–>Activity–>GenerateID
- In Call “Work-.GenerateID” method parameters, IDPrefix field enter the case Id you want
- Save and Run the Case to see the changes
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