APK | Android Application Package | |
API | Application Programming Interface | |
ABAC | Attribute-Based Access Control | |
AV | Application Validation | |
AIC | Availability – Integrity – Confidentiality | |
ARO | Access of Role to Object | |
BIX | Business Intelligence Exchange | |
BLOB | Binary Large Object | |
BAC | Broken Access Control | |
CSA | Certified System Architect | |
CSSA | Certified Senior System Architect | |
CSR | Customer Service Representative | |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheets | |
CL | Class | |
CBAC | Client-Based Access Control | |
CI/CD | Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery | |
CMIS (Connector) | Control Management Interoperability | |
CCPA | California Consumer Privacy Act | |
CSRF | Cross-site request forgery | |
DOM | Document Object Model | |
DSS | Dynamic System Settings | |
DCO | Directly Capture Objectives | |
DOR | Definition of Ready | |
DBA | Data base Administrator | |
DWA | Direct Web Access | |
ET | Eastern Time | |
Email | Electronic Mail | |
EJB (Connector) | Enterprise Java Beans | |
FTP | File Tranfer Protocol | |
FUA | First Use Assembly | |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time | |
GC | Garbage Collection (Log) | |
GCS | Global Client Support | |
GRS | Global Resource Syntax | |
GDPR | General Data Protection Regulation | |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol | |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language | |
ID | Identifier | |
IDP | External Identify Provider | |
IA | Information Architecture | |
IDE | Integrated Development Environment | |
I/O | Input and Output | |
IAC | Internet Application Composer | |
JSON | Javascript Object Notation | |
JMS (Connector) | Java Message Service | |
JBBC | Java Database Connectivity | |
JNDI | Java Naming and Directory Interface API | |
JPG | Joint Photographic Experts Group | |
JVM | Java Virtual Machine | |
KPIs | Key Performance Indicators | |
LSA | Lead System Architect | |
MLP | Minimum Lovable Product | |
MVP | Minimum Viable Product | |
M:M | Many-to-Many Relationship | |
MQ | Message Queue | |
NTLM (Authentication) | Windows New Technology LAN Manager | |
OOTB | Out of the Box | |
ODS | Operational Data Object | |
OAuth | Open Authorization | |
PRPC | Pega Rules Process Commander | |
PCBA | Pega Certified Business Architect | |
PCDC | Pega Certified Decisioning Consultant | |
PCDS | Pega Certified Data Scientist | |
PDF | Portable Document Format | |
PII | Personal Identifying Information | |
PLA | PegaRULES Log Analyzer | |
PNG | Portable Network Graphics | |
PDC | Predictive Diagnostic Cloud | |
PAL | Performance Analyser | |
RSA | Robotics System Architect | |
RPA | Robotics Process Automation | |
REST | Representational State Tranfer | |
RV | Ruleset Validation | |
RA | Ruleset Assembly | |
RAID | Risk-Actions-Issues-Decisions | |
RDB | Relational Database | |
RBAC | Role-Based Access Control | |
RS | Rule set | |
RDA | Robotic Desktop Automation | |
RMA | Request Management Application | |
RDB | PegaRULES Database | |
SOR | System of Record | |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol | |
SPAs | Single Parse Applications | |
SME | Subject Matter Expert | |
SLA | Service Level Agreement | |
SSO | Single Sign-on | |
SAP (Connector) | System Applications and Products in Data Processing | |
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer | |
SQL | Structured Query Language | |
SSN | Social Security Number | |
SMS | Short Message Service | |
SDK | Software Development Kit | |
SAAS | Software as a Service | |
TM | Trade Mark | |
TAR | Tape Archive | |
TIN | Taxpayer Identification Number | |
TLS | Transport Layer Security | |
TIFF | Tagged Image File Format | |
UI | User Interface | |
UX | User Experience | |
UTC | Universal Time Coordinated | |
UAT | User Acceptance Tests | |
URL | Uniform Resource Identifier | |
Vs | Versus | |
VPAT | Voluntary Product Accessibility Template | |
WAI-ARIA | Web Accessibility Initiative-Accessible Rich Internet Applications | |
WCAG | Web Content Accessibility Guidelines | |
W3C | World Wide Web Consortium | |
WSDL | Web Services Description Language | |
XML | Extensible Markup Language | |
XHTML | Extensible Hypertext Markup Language | |